In Australia all student visa holders must hold Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) . OSHC is important for the students as it allow to access affordable health care.
The Department makes sure that students should have OSHC for the period which they like to stay before Department granting a visa. This means that the Department will check both the OSHC start and end date . The OSHC end date should be aligned with the visa grant periods which changes depending upon the course, and the finish dates (see How long this visa lasts) and its length.
Every Student should beaware that if the OSHC is for a period longer than the course, but shorter than normal visa grant period, The Department may grant the visa for a shorter amount of time.
The start date of the OSHC should be the day the student intends to arrive in Australia. A common mistake is to arrange OSHC to commence on the first day of their course. The officers won’t grant a visa if the OSHC begins less than one week before the course commencement. He should make sure to attach some evidence of their intentions for applying as a student in Australia and also make sure that there are no gaps in coverage.
GTE assessments:
All student visa applicants need to meet the GTE Criteria. The Current case load analysis shows that there is an insufficient documentation addressing the GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant ) requirement which is resulting in delayed processing but it is not limited . Examples of documentation can include : a Statement Of purpose(SOP) , evidence of past study and work experience, evidence of their economic circumstances in their home country and which ties to their home country.