Life in Australia book

Visitors and new residents can learn more about the Australian values statement and our history, culture and society from the Life in Australia book (304KB PDF).

You might also find the book useful if you work with migrants or have relatives or friends who recently arrived in Australia.

Read the book

Applicants for a permanent or provisional visa must:

  • read the Life in Australia book, then
  • sign or accept the Australian values statement

If you have difficulty reading or understanding the book, ask someone else to explain it to you. You could ask:

  • a friend or family member
  • your sponsor or migration agent, if you have one

Australian values statement

The values that underpin our society are summarised in the Australian values statement.

Visa applicants are required to confirm that they will respect Australian values and obey Australian laws by signing or accepting the Australian values statement. If you don’t sign the Australian values statement, your application might be delayed or we might refuse your visa. We can consider an exception only in compelling circumstances.

You must sign or accept the Australian values statement every time you apply for a visa, so you might need to sign it more than once. If you applied for a visa before 15 October 2007 but we have not yet made a decision on your application, you don’t need to sign the Australian values statement to be granted that visa.

When you apply for a visa online, selecting the Australian values statement button lets us know you and any dependants included in your application understand and agree with the Australian values statement.

For paper applications, the Australian values statement forms part of the general declaration section of your application. When you sign the application you also agree with the Australian values statement.

Sign or accept the Australian values statement

There are 2 versions of the Australian values statement. The version you must sign depends on what visa you apply for.

When you apply for a temporary visa

For most temporary visa applications (List of Visas), the Australian values statement is:

I will respect Australian values as listed on this form, during my stay in Australia and will obey the laws of Australia.

When you apply for a permanent or provisional visas

For permanent or provisional visa applications (List of Visas), the Australian values statement is:

I confirm that I have read, or had explained to me, information provided by the Australian Government on Australian society and values.

I understand:

  • Australian society values respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to the rule of law, Parliamentary democracy, equality of men and women and a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good
  • Australian society values equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background
  • the English language, as the national language, is an important unifying element of Australian society.

I undertake to respect these values of Australian society during my stay in Australia and to obey the laws of Australia.

I understand that, if I should seek to become an Australian citizen:

  • Australian citizenship is a shared identity, a common bond which unites all Australians while respecting their diversity
  • Australian citizenship involves reciprocal rights and responsibilities. The responsibilities of Australian Citizenship include obeying Australian laws, including those relating to voting at elections and serving on a jury.

If I meet the legal qualifications for becoming an Australian citizen and my application is approved I understand that I would have to pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people.

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